Friday, February 28, 2014

Top House

On the 21st of February 2014 we did a top house competition which is the best house out of all the house colors. There are Pukeko which is red , Tui which is black , Kea is green, Hoiho is yellow, Takahe is blue. It was just the senior school doing top house.

There were year 4s year 5s and also year 6s doing top house. There were 5 activities that we had to do where we were all standing in hoops and we either had to throw a tennis ball which the The tennis balls were just normal tennis ball, , or throw bean bags that were all different colors    and one of the bean bags was a blue turtle. When the tennis ball or the bean bag got to the end and the person that was at the end had to roll the ball or throw the ball or if it was a bean bag it was the same thing with that. How many balls or bean bags that you got in the hoop is how many points that you got for that activity that was with Ms Roil. she teaches in room 10.Then after you have put the bean bag or tennis ball in the  hoop the person would run to the start of the line and start the activity again and it keeps on going until the whistle blows for each activity

Then after you have put the bean bag or tennis ball in the  hoop the person would run to the start of the line and start the activity again and it keeps on going until the whistle blows for each activity   Then the next activity that we did was with Mr Ford he teaches in room 20. so the activity that we did with Mr Ford was he had hurdles out and bites of carpet on the grass and we had to uses them to get across the grass because the grass was very poisonous and we would die if we touched the grass.

The next activity was with Mr Cottrell who teaches in room 7. The activity that he  throw the jack in the bucket, if that person got the jack in the bucket it would be a point for that person,s team. At all the activities we were facing one of the Hoiho teams. There also was a counter from each team. We got 41 points and that Hoiho team didn't get as many so we won that one activity against Hoiho.

The next activity that we did was with Mr Moriarty. We had to do a three legged race to the cone and then pick up a ball and roll it and if it hit the cricket wicket you got a point for your team like all the other activities that we did.

The next activity was with Mrs Lowe which was the teams was all in a line and we had to touch each others shoulders. There also was a batten that we had to pass down the line. When you have it and you have passed it to the other person beside you run to the front of the line. Then you do it again until the whistle blows and then that's the end of that activity. I felt a bit nervous but then it was alright after that and I got straight into it.                  

How to take care of your pets

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Countdown Shopping with $250

We did our shopping at Countdown online. We had $250 to spend on grocery,s for our family and counting our pets. these are the things that I brought with $250.      

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Totara tree art

This is my Totara tree art. Mr Cottrell designed half and we had to design the other half of the tree. The computer means the computer class rooms. The pencil and book means room 5 because they are not a  computer class.The blue around the pencil and book is a blue table. The blue and yellow tree means Parkvale School. The crosses in the squares is for design. the silver fern means New Zealand. The writing is the teaches names and what class room that teach in. The silver kudos mean year threes to year five. it really means biggest to smallest. The green leaf is also for design.        

Learning Buddy Animal

This is my learning buddy picture. I picked the koala because it is one of my favorite animals. To do the painting I used Paint.

5 ways I show pride

This is my 5 ways I show pride

Friday, February 14, 2014

Hearing Association visit

tuning fork
ping pong ball
cochlea (ear part)
pipe cleaner (hairs)
ear drum
ear wax
ear muffs
ear plugs
Power Tools
walk away
turn it down
block your ears

On the 12 of february 2014 our class walked to see the hearing association person she told us about who easy we can damage our ears. There were three things we could do and they were turn it down or walk away or block your ears. Her name was Caroline. Caroline talk to us about our hearing. She was telling us that we have little hairs in our ears. The class did some experiments about vibrating. She each gave us a ping pong ball and a turning fork. We held the tuning fork by the end at the bottom. Then we hit the floor with the tuning fork and put the ball beside it. The vibration made the ball hit it then bounce back. The  next experiment that we did was hitting the turning fork to the floor again. This time the class  hit it to the floor and the class did what  Caroline told us to put our finger and we could feel the vibration in the metal. If you stared at it was blurry when you looked at it and it was all fuzzy as well.  We also played with pipe cleaners to pretend that they were our hairs in our ears. We were moving the tips of the pipe cleaners as well to pretend that they were hearing sounds.  At the end we had the pretend, stereo up and they were going really fast. Then we made the tips go really fast and, at the end the pipe cleaners were all bended and twirled around and twisted. I Learned that we have little hairs in our ears. I enjoyed learning what things to do if you hear loud noises and they were walk away or turn it down or block your ears.                            

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Holiday ABC

A  I drove to Napier and walked into the  aquarium.
B I had a banana to eat and it was delicious.
C I feed my cat  some biscuits.
D I gave my dog some dog roll.
E I had an egg to eat.
F I gave my fish some fish flakes
G  I drew a picture for my cousin and it was a picture of monsters.
H I wore a camouflage cap.
I  painted a picture with the color indigo.
J   I ate some blackberry and raspberry jelly.
K Kayla is my sister.
L I drove to my nanas house to see her and her name is Lyn.
M I drove  to town with my mum in the car.
N My sister was being naughty in the holidays.
O I saw an Opel Astra.
P. I got lots of  presents at Christmas
Q I went on a quest with my cousin to fight the zombies.
R I ran went I was taking my dog for a walk.
S I scooted down the road on the footpath.
T I went to the toilet.
U It was raining one day in the holidays so I walked under the umbrella in town.
W Me and my family drove to wellington in the car for Christmas.
X I played on my Xbox.
Y  I  saw a yellow Nissan patrol
Z I saw a the number zero on a car's number plate.