Wednesday, August 14, 2013

   Today we had once again Harley and Aaron come and teach us some more football skills and this time it was passing the ball and they were from Napier City Rovers . Then Aaron said get a partner and one person on the side of the cone and the other one on the other cone that was opposite of the cone that I was standing on. My buddie was Mack and I. Then Aaron said that what part of your foot do you pass with and I put my hand up and I said that you kick with your inside of your foot and then Aaron said that it was correct and when you go to pass you just don't run up to the ball and kick it, if you want to pass it to get to the person that you want to pass to you put your foot next to the ball and then kick it and if you want some more power to pass the ball you just go back a few steps or if you want to do a big kick you just go back even more steps to do an even bigger kick. Then we the whole class played a game of ghostbusters and so the people that where the ghost were wearing a bib that were yellow  and the ghostbusters were the rest of the class with the ball dribbling around in the boundary with the balls. I reckon I did pretty well with football skills today with passing to my buddie mack on the white cones.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

football skills reflection

Today we learned how do to dribble with  the ball in football. The people that were teaching us were Aaron and  Harley who are football players for Napier City Rovers. The skills in football that we were  practicing   were using the inside the foot and outside the foot and the bottom of your feet too. Then Aaron told us to dribble inside the boundary of cones. Then he said jog round the boundary dribbling with the inside of your two feet and don't walk Aaron said . After that Aaron said to dribble around using the outside of your feet. Then Aaron said dribble round with 1 foot which was the right foot first  and Aaron said not to touch it with left foot. Then Aaron would say stop and he would check to see if anyone was still moving. Then Aaron told us to swap feet to the left one and he said this will be a bit tricky for everyone  with your left foot. For me it wasn't tricky on the left side but a little bit  and the right side but the right side was pretty easy for me because i'm a right foot kicker and sometimes I use my left foot to kick. I reckon I did pretty well. Football is  my is my sport anyway I reckon I did pretty well with football today.  

Friday, August 2, 2013

Cross Country

I  was running across the field as fast as a gazelle in the grass. I could feel the warmth as I run along the grass on the field. I  could smell the dampness  as you run pasted  the trees and the ground was really, really, really, really  damp as I run passed. As I run in the grass I felt  the dampness in my shoes and in my socks a bit too. I could see as I was running I saw grass wet grass, concrete, sand, dirt yellow lines on the concrete tennis court and little bites of mosque on the grass and in my shoes and socks were a  bite.  Near  the end of the laps I was sprinting like a gazelle  at 45 km an hour but I wasn't really sprinting like a gazelle doing 45 km an hour though but I wish though. When Mr Cottrell  yelled out to say that the  boys had 1 minute to go and so I decided to sprint truehearted  then I have ever gone I my life. then after I had a soothing boostfully  drink of ice  freezing,   refreshing  water out of my drink bottle. After I had a ice, freezing, refreshing drink of water I was extremely  tired when I came back into class with all of the class to start reading once more again.