Friday last week we did a balloon experiment. the air in the bottle made the balloon not inflate because the air was stopping so it didn't work. we tried different people because miss garland couldn't do it. So Georgia had a try with blowing the balloon and Georgia couldn't blow it up either so Josh wanted a turn and guess what happened Josh couldn't blow the balloon up. it didn't work because all the air that was in the bottle stopped Josh,Miss Garland and Georgia from blowing the balloon up in the bottle.Then Mr cottrell had a try at blowing the balloon without the holes and he
couldn't do it either. Miss garland had another bottle and it had holes and when miss garland went to blow she blew the balloon about half of the way from one side of the bottle to the other. when miss garland was blowing the air that was inside the bottle was getting pushed out by the balloon.
When we covered the holes there was no air coming in because miss garland had blocked the holes that she made in the bottle so there was no air coming in to the bottle to make the balloon deflate so that's why the balloon stayed inflated.