Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Safe cycling and rock and roll reflection

I'm looking forward to doing more dances for rock and roll. Today was good Mr Gifkins and his daughter were doing it. Im also looking forward to more activities in safe cycling. The activities that we are doing now are going in to the cricket nets,  then turning around and come back out. The other one is weaving between the trees in out in out on the side of the field The other with Mr Cottrell  going around the tennis court putting our hand out to balance. Then the one with miss garland on the cricket pitch, on the concrete edges going to the  lines, and stop get of and get back on again and ride back  to the back of the line. I had fun doing safe cycling today and I also enjoyed doing rock and roll today too it was fun and I can't wait till tomorrow to do it.  I like safe cycling and rock and roll its good fun to do and also it is enjoyable to do. I would  like to do safe cycling and rock and roll again.

1 comment:

  1. That sounded like you had fun Jared.
    What was your favourite day so far?
