Friday, May 30, 2014

Robot And Bear

What is happening in this picture?
You choose what to write based on the picture:
A story? A news report? A moment in time? A recount from the bear’s / robot’s / Lego man’s perspective? ...
WALT organise our ideas into an effective structure
Success Criteria
  • Beginning, middle and end (like a hamburger)
  • Paragraph groups of ideas
  • Some complex sentences

This is Jared reporting from studio.This is the big story of today. I have received this picture of this robot and a teddy bear. The bear is standing on a jettie, off this lovely beach. Have a look at this picture.  

This is the description of the robot and his teddy. The robot has some buttons on the front of him.  It has blue eyes, with white dots in the middle of the eyes, red hands, white over most of the body. The windup is grey. His teddy bear has a white cream color on his chest and stomach. He has brown feet and a stripe of white cream again. The rest of him is brown. Teddy has a black nose. The teddy also has black eyes with a white dot in the middle.

  The robot seems to be holding a teddy bear. If you look to the bottom of the picture you will see a reflection in the water. The reflection that you can see is a lego man in a suit with black stripes and four buttons. The lego man also has yellow hands. The lego man is smiling with his eyebrows up above his eyes. I think that the lego man is exactly the same as the robot with his teddy bear.. By the looks the man is holding a walking stick in his right hand. The lego man also has some spiky hair. The colour is brown. He is holding the same teddy bear as the wind up robot is.

In the water the lego man is standing on the same jettie as the wind up robot. The reflection looks like the sky is a fine day with no clouds. If you turn it around the other way it looks like the robot and his ted are up the right way.  

He could be dangerous so dont approach him. Call the police if you see him. He could just be on holiday.  He might just be having a day out at the beach. I don't know for sure. This is the end of the major story of the day. Now for the weather forecast. Good night.       

1 comment:

  1. I like that line "He could be dangerous so don't approach him" as well, Jared.
